1. In case of salary change, the teacher must sign the new agreement.
2. 10% salary growth will be done in July of every year. However, a teacher shall be entitled to this
increment only after the completion of his 12 months in the institution if he scores 50% in the
examination conducted by the institution in March.
3. The monthly salary will be calculated after 30 days or at the end date of the month and the same
will become payable between the 7th to 10th of next month. Teacher will get 3 Rs. /Km of petrol,
which must be shown on an Official application
4. To Enhance the Quality of Newly Joined Teachers must get training for at least 30 days from the
date of their joining and in such case, only 50% of the monthly salary will be given.
a) First seven days will be considered Fully as trial period. No Salary Will be disbursed if Institutes
terminates the job by any suspicious or wrong information against teacher regarding Previous job
salary, Experience, Expertise, Demand, Suitable for work or behavior reasons.
b) A teacher is not able to get payment if he resigns from the institute in between training period due
to any reason
c) If the management finds the teacher violating the protocols or finds him/her engaging in
unconstitutional activities based on his/her behavior, punctuality, experience, and knowledge in their
first 30 days then the management can immediately terminate, and the teacher will be paid only half
of the payment which Institutes earns from their students and fuel consumed. And no other amount
for sitting and other works will be given